Free Events & Workshops
Jung says “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
Community Dream Group
Welcome Dreamers!
This group is a community of novice and advanced dreamers who are passionate about exploring, learning and connecting to our own innate wisdom through dreams and the language of symbols.
We connect through events both online and in person. Some are informal dream-sharing and practice groups, others are skill-building workshops.
The main intention of this group is to build a strong community of dreamers who can affect change. At the very minimum it will help strengthen individuals’ connection to themselves and their own wisdom.
Below you will see some of the up coming free events.

Date: Tuesdays January 24, 31 & February 7, 2023
Times: 8:00pm – 9:00pm PST
Location: online – zoom
This is a mini-series to explore a few techniques of working with dreams as a healing and creative process. It will be participatory and interactive.
Workshop format:
There will be a short introduction with an explanation of the exercise that we will be doing. Then someone will share their dream. We will apply the technique to unpack the dream and clarify the different layers of meaning. In some instances, we will go around the group sharing personal, archetypical, or intuitive meanings of the symbols and in others, we will apply feedback in the form of potential movie titles or book chapters.
It will be fun and deepen your knowledge of the language of symbols.
This series is NOT for you if . . .
- you don’t like group participation
- you have strong feelings about how dream work should be done
Once registered you will receive an email with further details.

Tea Parties
I love tea, and I love meeting and connecting with people. These tea parties are a discussion group about dreams. Since dreams are a simple way to heal and tea parties are a good way to build a strong community I invite you to host a tea party. We will share dreams and I will offer tips and tricks to remembering dreams and help you get on your way to dreaming yourself into wellness and vibrancy. More info.
Date: mutually agreed upon
Times: 2 hours
Location: in person at your preferred location
If you wish to host a tea party, simply send a message that includes your phone number and I will connect to make arrangements. We can find an evening or day that suits everyone.
Tea Party Format:
- A brief introduction to how dreams can be used to heal, inspire, and foster creativity.
- Then individuals in your group will get to share some dreams and tea.
- we will discuss the dreams and have a few playful exercises to interpret the symbols in the dream.
The teas will also be available for purchase. – – Because I am always asked. 🙂