Dream Theatre (in person)
March 31 & Apil 1, 2023

. . . Opening the book of your unconscious wisdom!
This is a *fishbowl experiential workshop where you will learn to access the unconscious wisdom of your dreams and begin learning the language of symbols. This will be done through breath, voice, and embodied imagination as we delve into the hidden resource within our unconscious wisdom. We will discover the layers and depth of symbols, archetypes, and the interplay of their personal and collective meaning through partnered and group exercises that inspire creative dream play. Some techniques used are drawn from theatre, psychology, and cultural dream practices, while others are drawn from the magic of the moment.
Get ready to open up to a whole new world!
Please note that space is limited to 21 participants.
This is an intimate group experience that will foster a deeper connection with yourSelf and grow your observer.
In this workshop, you will . . .
- Open the door to understanding your own unconscious
- Begin to learn the symbolic language of dreams
- Access your hidden potential to be more creative in your daily life
This workshop is for individuals . . .
- who are on a path of self development
- who want to change limiting patterns and beliefs
- who are counselors and psychotherapists that wish to gain somatic experience in dream interpretation
- artists that want to develop new depths in their work or access more creativity
This workshop is NOT for individuals . . .
- who dislike group participation.
* Fishbowl learning is when an individual or group is in the center demonstrating the dream experience, whilst others around the perimeter are participating through observation and feedback.
This type of learning allows individuals to participate at the level they are comfortable whilst developing their understanding of the language of symbols and somatic-based dream therapy.
Date: March 31, & April 1, 2023
Fri. 6:30pm – 9:00pm PST
Sat. 9:00am – noon, & 1:30pm – 4:30pm PST
Location: 718 E 20th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5V 1N2 (Bridge & Enrich Lives Society)
Please note that further instructions will be sent to your email once your registration is complete.
My Purpose:
I am dedicated to inspiring individuals, and families to live more harmoniously and vibrantly every day.
Dreams are a simple and magical way to share and connect. They are an opportunity for healing and growing. I encourage families with teenagers to come together and share more often, therefore I am offering a family rate for this workshop.
It will be a whole lot of fun and quite profound.
~ Making the world more playful and joyful every day, while bringing Dreams to Life ~
“In your heart of hearts is the secret dream, the one you so very rarely share.
It longs to break free and infuse your life, but only if you dare.The elders say, use your dreams – to breakthrough the blocks
. . . and uncover the self-imposed locksFor what awaits, is the liberated heart
Fruit, that connecting to the soul and spirit impart”