Igniting Your Genius (in person)
Dream Theatre – Community Practice Group
starting April 11, 2023

. . . strengthening the bridge to your
unconscious wisdom!
These are 2.5 hour *fishbowl experiential workshops where you will strengthen the connection to the language of symbols and dreams. This will be done through dream play, observation, and inquiry. Some techniques used are drawn from Jungian, Reichian, and Adlerian psychotherapy, while others are drawn from the magic of the moment.
Get ready to open to a whole new world!
Please note that a pre-requisite is required.
The Magic in Symbols & Dreams (online), or being an Ontogonic Body-Mind Practitioner who has studied in the therapy program or the
dream program with Carlos de Leon.
In this workshop, you will . . .
- strengthen your understanding of the language of symbols
- distinguish between archetypical and personal symbols
- begin to distinguish layers in the spectrum of consciousness (depth of symbols you are working with)
- strengthen and begin to discover your capacity to be more effective in your daily life
This workshop is for individuals . . .
- who have done the prerequisite
- who want to deepen their dream practice
- who want to change limiting patterns and beliefs
- who are counselors and psychotherapists that wish to gain somatic experience in dream interpretation
- artists that want to develop new depths in their work or access more creativity
This workshop is NOT for individuals . . .
- who have not done the pre-requisite
- who do not want to stretch and grow.
* Fishbowl learning is when an individual or group is in the center demonstrating the dream experience, whilst others around the perimeter are participating through observation and feedback.
This type of learning allows individuals to participate at the level they are comfortable whilst developing their understanding of the language of symbols and somatic-based dream therapy.
My Purpose:
I am dedicated to fostering growth within the Ontogony Sangha. If you are an Ontogonic community member and want to participate but find the cost prohibitive, please click on the community member link to register and a lesser amount would be greatfully accepted.
You should note that participant space is limited and I will only be able to accept 2 or 3 members dependent on those gathered.
I look forward to playing in the liminal space with you. 🙂
‘Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.’